
The Maidstone Singers perform a wide variety of music ranging from the 16th Century to the modern day; both classical and popular. We have performed Major Works and other Sacred Music, Motets, Madrigals, Part Songs and Folk Songs as well as arrangements of 20th Century Popular Songs and Modern Classics.

Major Works

Bach Cantata BWV 191 (Gloria)
Bach Magnificat in D
Bernstein Chichester Psalms
Britten A Ceremony of Carols
Britten Hymn to St Cecilia
Britten Missa Brevis in D
Britten St Nicholas
Byrd Mass for 4 voices
Carter Te Deum
Carter Benedicite
Carter Magnificat
Chilcott A little Jazz Mass
Chilcott The Making of the Drum
Durufle Requiem
Dvorak Mass in D
Faure Requiem
Gilbert&Sullivan The Mikado
Gjeilo Sunrise Mass
Goodall Unconditional Love
Handel Four Coronation Anthems
Handel Messiah
Handel The King shall rejoice
Haydn Nelson Mass
Jenkins Stabat Mater
Jenkins Gloria
Jenkins The Armed Man
Orff Carmina Burana
Rutter Mass of the Children
Rutter Gloria
Schubert Mass in G
Stanford Magnificat in 8 parts
Vivaldi Gloria in D

Carols / Christmas Music

Adam O Holy Night
Archer Angels from the realms of Glory
Blackwell arr Mary had a baby
Blackwell arr The virgin Mary had a baby Boy
Bloor How far is it to Bethlehem
Britten A boy was born
Bullard Angel Alleluias
Bullard Come And Worship
Byrd Hodie Christus Natus Est
Cane Alleluia! A New Work is Come on Hand
Cane Christmastide
Cane Comes the Light
Cane Go to the Child
Carr The Lamb
Chilcott For him all stars have shone
Chilcott My dancing day
Chilcott Nova Nova
Chilcott Remember O thou man
Chilcott Where Riches is Everlastingly
Chilcott Mid Winter
Chilcott The Shepherd’s Carol
Chilcott Lully Lulla
Cleobury Joys Seven
Cornelius arr Ridgeway Three kings
Daly The Huron Carol
Darke In the bleak Midwinter
El Viejo Riu riu chiu
Gjeilo A spotless rose
Gjeilo arr Coventry Carol
Goodall Romance of the Angels
Gritton arr An Olde Rhyme
Gritton arr It’s the most wonderful time of the year
Gritton arr Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Gritton arr Follow that Star
Gritton arr Mary's Boy Child
Gritton arr Santa Claus is coming to town
Handel Joy to the world
Howells A spotless rose
Howells Sing lullaby
Humphris (arr) I saw three ships
Ireland The holy boy
Jackson The Christ child
Jenkins Follow that star
Jenkins Lullay lulla
Joubert There is no rose
Joubert Torches
Keefe(arr) What child is this
Kelly There is no rose
Kelly Lullaby
Leighton Lullay lula
Leighton Hymn to the Nativity
Leontovych Carol of the bells
Lewis A carol trilogy (1st performance)
Llewellyn (arr) The infant king
Lumsden Silent Night
Matthias A babe is born
Matthias Hodie Christus Natus est
Mence Bring us Fire Bring us light
Miller (arr) Mary did you know?
Mold Mary and the Wise Men
Nees The rod of Jesse
Nickel Sweet little Jesus Boy
Ord Adam lay ye bounden
Panufnik Sleep little Jesus Sleep
Parry Welcome Yule
Pearsall In dulce jubilo
Pierport Jingle Bells
Praetorius-Sandstrom Es ist ein Ros entsprungen
Riley What start is this?
Rutter Nativity Carol
Rutter The King of Blis
Rutter Star Carol
Rutter arr Here we come a wassailing
Rutter arr Cradle Song
Rutti I wonder as I wander
Schutz Hodie Christus natus est
Scott The angels all did sing
Silver 12 Days after Christmas
Stannard Kings came riding
Stopford Lully Lulla Lullay
Stopford A Christmas Blessing
Sweelinck Hodie Christus Natus Est
Tavener The Lamb
Thalben-Ball A Sette of Carols
Todd My Lord has come
Villette Hymn a la vierge
Warlock Adam lay ye bounden
Warlock Balulow
Waters Little one sleep
Wells A fanfare for Christmas
Wilberg Noe Noe
Willcocks Birthday Carol
Willcocks Quelle est cette odeur agreable
Wood Ding dong merrily on high
Woodward Up good Christian Folk and Listen


O waly Waly arr Cashmore
My sweetheart's like Venus arr Holst
Among the leaves so green-O arr Byrt
Early one morning arr Willcocks
Dance to your Daddy arr Stone
I love my love arr Holst
The turtle dove arr V Williams
Bobby Shaftoe arr Willcocks
My love is like a red red rose arr Cashmore
Faithful Jonny
Among the leaves so green O
The 3 ravens
Strawberry Fair
The sailor and young Nancy

Madrigals and Part Songs

Applebaum A clear midnight
Applebaum As the world turns
Appelbaum Spring
Arne Blow blow thou winter wind
Arne Which is the properest day
Bennett All creatures now
Bennett Weep O mine eyes
Bernstein One Hand One Heart
Cashmore My love is like a red red Rose
Chilcott My heart’s friend
Chilcott The Isle is full of noises
Chydenius Tonight
Chydenius Deep in the night
Delius Mid summer Song
Elgar As torrents in summer
Farmer Fair Phyllis I saw
German Who is Sylvia?
Gibbons The Silver Swan
Harris Blow blow thou winter wind
Harris Fear no more the heat of the sun
Harris It was a lover and his lass
Harris O mistress mine
Harris Where the bee sucks
Harris Sigh no more ladies
Huub de Lange A tale told by idiots
Kodaly The Peacock
Lassus Matona lovely maiden
Lauridsen Sure on this Shining Night
Lewis When daffodils begin to peer
Morley April is in my Mistress' face
Morley It was a lover and his lass
Morley Now is the month of maying
Morley Sing we and chant it
Morley Fire Fire my heart
Morley Shoot false love
Pearsall Lay a Garland
Pearsall O who will o’er the downs so free
Purcell If music be the food of love
Rutter It was a lover and his lass
Sawyers As it fell upon a day
Sawyers Come and sing him a bawdy song
Sawyers Look how the world’s poor people
Shearing When daisies pied
Sibelius Finlandia
Sibelius Vale of Tuoni
Stanford Beati Quorum Via
Stanford The Blue Bird
Stevens Ye spotted snakes
V.Williams Over hill over dale
V.Williams Valliant for Truth
Vautor Sweet Suffolk Owl
Walton Touch her soft lips and part
Weelkes On the Plains Fairy Trains
Wilbey Adieu sweet Amaryllis
Wood Full fathom five


Aitken Flanders Fields
Allegri Miserere
Arensky Otche Nash (The Lord’s Prayer)
Arnesen Even when He is Silent
Bach Jesu Joy
Barber Agnus Dei
Bruckner Ave Maria
Bruckner Locus iste
Bruckner Os Justi
Busto Ave Maria
Byrd Hodie Christus natus est
Byrd Sing joyfully unto God
Casals O vos omnes
Casciolini Mass
Chinemelu A life filled with grace
Croft God is gone up
Durufle Ubi Caritas
Elgar Lux Aeterna (Nimrod)
Elgar The snow
Falu For a world without faith
Gabrieli O Magnum Mysterium
Gabrieli Jubilate Deo
Gibbons Hosanna to the son of David
Gibbons O clap your hands
Gibbons God is gone up
Gjeilo Northern Lights
Gjeilo Ubi Caritas
Gorecki Totus Tuus
Gorecki Matko Najswietsza
Hewitt Jones In our service
Howells Master Tallis Testament
Handel Zadok the Priest
Kodaly Evening Song
Kodaly Jesus and the traders
Lauridsen O Nata lux
Lauridsen O Magnum Mysterium
Lewis A song for Saint Cecilia
Lewis From the Great War (from Songs of Reflection)
Lewis The Soldier (from Songs of Reflection)
Lotti Crucifixus a 8
Luca Tu es Petrus
Mealor Ubi Caritas
McMillan Ave Maris Stella
Miskinis Ave Maria
Part Bogoroditse Djevo
Parry I was Glad
Parry My soul there is a country
Pitoni Cantate Domino
Purcell God thou art my God
Purcell Hear my prayer O Lord
Rachmaninov Bogoroditse Djevo
Rheinberger Abendlied
Rutter For the Beauty of the Earth
Shephard The angel rolled the stone away
Stanford Coelos ascendit hodie
Stanford Coronation Gloria
Stopford Ave Verum Corpus
Stopford Do not be afraid
Tallis O Nata Lux
Tallis If ye love me
Tavener Song for Athene
Thompson Allejuia
Tschesnokoff Let thy Holy Spirit
Tye O come ye servants of the Lord
Vaughan Martin May the Lord Bless You and Keep You
Victoria Jesu the very thought is sweet
Victoria O quam gloriosum
V.Williams O taste and see
Walton Te Deum
Weelkes When David heard
Weelkes Gloria in excelsis Deo
Wesley Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace
Whitacre Lux Aurumque
Whitacre I thank you God
Whitacre Sleep
Whitacre The Marriage
Williams Hymn to the Fallen
Wood Hail Gladdening Light

Popular Songs / Other

I got rhythm arr Clapham
Let's do it arr Blackwell
Tea for two arr Gritton
Autumn Leaves arr Carter
Over the rainbow
Deep River arr Trant
De battle ob Jerico arr Lang
The Continental
Anderson-Lopez Let it go
Berger Brazilian Psalm
Berlin (Irving) Blue Skies
Berlin (Irving) White Christmas
Carter & Hudson Goodnight Sweetheart
Cohen arr Brymer Hallelujah
Erod Viva la Musica
Gordon&Bonner Happy Together
Gough Traditional Values
Hirsch and Rose Deed I do
Jenkins Exsultate Jubilate
Lennon/McCartney Beatles Medley 1
Litten World War 1 Medley
Manilow arr Brymer One Voice
Rogers arr Blackwell Blue Moon
Torme The Christmas Song
Trant Deep river
Trant Were you there?
Gritton Various Beatles arrangements
Bernstein One Hand One Heart (West Side Story)
